Monday, April 25, 2016

Hello! My name is Elyse

Hello! My name is Elyse Puida, I am currently a student at BYU-Idaho and I am studying Child Development with an emphasis in Family Studies. I love my major! My hope is to be a school guidance counselor. I am so fascinated by the family and how it is changing and evolving every day. I want to be able to be involved in helping families become closer to one another and making their relationships with each other better. I believe that families are of the most important relationships that any human will encounter in this life so it is important for the families to be strong and developed well. I believe that as a future counselor, there is much for me to learn about how to appropriately help them. My goal is to study family relations and how different aspects can affect them. I will post my findings here so that I can frequently look back on what I have learned and see my progress and improvements of the information I have gathered. My hope is also to be able to educate others and shed some light on how strong and healthy relationships is vital. 
I hope that by creating this blog, I am not bias. Being bias is the last trait a good counselor could have. I believe that it is important to have an understanding heart and to also be empathetic and try to understand what others are going through. So as I research and learn about different styles of family, my goal is to post entries that will not offend my readers. I know that I will have opinions, and I will want to share them from time to time, but I will not let that get in the way of my over all goals of reaching to many people. 

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