Saturday, June 11, 2016

As many people who know me, know that I believe in sex only within the bonds of matrimony. I believe that it is something that is so very sacred that should only be shared with your spouse. It is such a special part of who you are that you could not just give that to just anyone because once you give it away once, it isn't something that you can give away again. I recently learned an amazing analogy that you can compare sex to...
Imagine its your wedding day and you notice this beautifully wrapped package that just seems perfect! Would you go and rip it open all by yourself or would you include your new spouse and do it delicately? I would much prefer the second. It is something that doesn't need to be wild, especially when you are first getting used to one another. I believe that it is okay to get used to one another's  bodies and take your time. This is also especially important because men and women need to remember that they work at different rates. For men, they get satisfied a lot faster than women so this could cause issues, but if the couples are aware of one another and are respectful of their spouse, I think that they can make their sexual intimacy a wonderful thing. 

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