Saturday, May 21, 2016

Understanding Same Sex Attraction

What is the difference between gender and sex?

Gender: refers to people as social creatures
Sex: refers to our biological make up

The question that has been up for question for the past years is should same-sex marriage be legalized? Gays and Lesbians have been fighting for years to be able to have the right to marry the same gender and spend their lives together. There are Pro's and Con's to each side. For one, it allows equal rights between both male and females and it makes it possible for them to express how they feel and feel accepted by sociecty. On the other hand though, it deprives children of being born into a home with both a mother and a father.

I am by no means homophobic in anyway, but I do believe that Children need to be raised with both a mother and a father because there are just certain things that only a father can provide and things that a mother can provide. For example, woman are naturally more nurturing. While men are better at problem solving. Mothers typically impact the way a child is raised into their adulthood whereas fathers are able to provide and give the feeling of protection. They give a feeling of securtiy for the family.

Altogther, families are all different, they are diverse, but that is what makes them unique!

Sunday, May 15, 2016


So what is one of the biggest ways that separates people from each other? Class. What is class you ask? Well class: it is "the system of ordering a society in which people are divided into sets based on perceived social or economic status. It is also defined as, a set or category of things having some property or attribute in common and differentiated from others by kind, type, or quality" So Why does everyone feel like they need to be separated by class and only be with there class instead of mixing with one another? Because most people are uncomfortable from what is different than them and that is what creates diversity in this world. The world is filled with so many different people that come from different backgrounds and cultures and it is up to us to allow them to live their life and not judge others.

I was recently asked the question "Are all cultures equally valid?" I would say that yes they are. Who am I to judge what they believe in and what they have built their foundation on? I would be upset if someone were to judge me based on what I believe, so I cannot turn around and judge them based on their culture. I think one of the important things to remember about the world we live in is that we are diverse and that is what makes this world a beautiful place to live in. I think that if we were all the same, we would become like robots and we could never increase our knowledge because everyone would know the same things. Being culturally diverse isn't a bad thing. It is what makes it unique, it provides people with learning experiences on a daily basis. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Family Stress Theories

This week made me think a lot about stress and the importance of managing it well. I have also learned that there are different forms of stress and how it needs to be handled. I believe that stress often sends people down a not so pretty path if left untended.

I always assumed that stress was always a bad thing, but I think it can help us grow and improve on our own personal lives. I have seen this in my own life where at the time, I didn’t see the stress as a blessing, but as I look back now, I see it as a way that I improved my own life and the stress made me a stronger person. My first semester of college was in January 2013, and I was miserable. It was my first time ever really being away from home and I was homesick. Especially because home was over 2,000 miles away! I can’t even remember how many times I would call my parents up crying begging them to let me come home! They would have let me too. But one thing about myself is my extraordinary determination to accomplish hard things. That first semester was my hardest because I can’t remember a day that entire semester that I didn’t have a panic attack about being homesick. But I kept pushing through and I made it, and I was happy that I decided to stay because that semester, although at the time was extremely stressful and there was no way I can see anything good coming from it, it made me stronger. It taught me how to care for myself and how to me independent. So all I am trying to say is that I am grateful that I had that stressful time in my life. When I look back, I am happy that I went through it because I see where I was and where I am now and I am a completely different person.

I think the major thing that helps me most now when I am stressed or anxious is just breathing and thinking positively. I often do this while taking a walk. Or I even just take a nap. All those things tend to help, and I start to come back to reality and things don’t bother me as much as they did before. I start to think rationally and most of the time what I originally thought and was anxious about really wasn’t that big of a deal. I have noticed that when I am stressed, it tends to put a stressor on the relationships that I hold dearly to me and it often gets hard for us to be close. So, I try hard to be positive and think happy thoughts and avoid jumping to conclusions because that tends to be the reason people I love get frustrated with me. That helps a lot. It’s amazing what a simple attitude change can do to change the way you go about life!

Learning more about coping with stress has made me determined to make changes in my own life. It has made me appreciate life as it is handed to me and not take anything for granted. I believe by having this simple attitude adjustment I can avoid a lot of hardships that could come my way.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Thoughts about Divorce

This week I have been studying a lot about divorce. Divorce is not a very easy subject to read or learn about. I personally, have not directly felt the effects that come with divorce. However, I have learned that I am a rather empathetic person so I am able to put myself in the shoes of those people who have dealt with the grieving of divorce. I feel that I would be able to provide comfort, especially children, for those who are affected by divorce.
I have recently learned about a school that is especially for children who are going through their parents’ divorce that provides them with comfort to get through the heartache that comes with their parent’s separation. The school is an outlet for the children to express their feelings towards the situation through music, writing, art, theater, and books. It is a place where children that feel the same way they do can go to escape and know that they have a support system of children just like them. I found this school very fascinating because this is exactly what I believe children need. They need a place where they can be understood. The teachers at the school teach children positive ways to cope, and to reassure them that their parents’ divorce is not the child’s fault.  
I was especially surprised to discover that divorce rates are actually going down, after being the highest they ever have been in 1980. However, there are reasons as to why that is true. Since the 1980’s, cohabitation rates have gone up. Adults no longer find it necessary to get married, just live together, which is why divorce is going down. So really, that isn’t much better, because it’s like a double-edged sword. Yes, I am biased, but the facts are that the best possible lifestyle for children comes from a two-parent home.
Children that are blessed to have a two parent home are less likely to encounter issues. These children are able to grow up in stable homes and their standards for living are increased as well. On the other hand, those children who come from divorced families tend to have weak relationships with all those they encounter because their example, of their parents is not one to look up to.
Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorm of the Twelve Apostles for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, has advised that “A good marriage does not require a perfect man or a perfect woman. It only requires a man and a woman committed to strive together toward perfection.” Perfection, is not a reachable goal, marrying the perfect guy or perfect woman is not going to happen, but what is possible is to become that perfect person for the person you want to spend your life with. I believe that if you want something to last forever you treat it differently.
I am engaged, and obviously, I want my marriage to last forever so I am going to treat it differently. I am going to become the perfect woman for Phil and I am going to put in 110% every day. Of course, trials will come, but I believe by being selfless and putting him first, many trials can be avoided!