Sunday, May 15, 2016


So what is one of the biggest ways that separates people from each other? Class. What is class you ask? Well class: it is "the system of ordering a society in which people are divided into sets based on perceived social or economic status. It is also defined as, a set or category of things having some property or attribute in common and differentiated from others by kind, type, or quality" So Why does everyone feel like they need to be separated by class and only be with there class instead of mixing with one another? Because most people are uncomfortable from what is different than them and that is what creates diversity in this world. The world is filled with so many different people that come from different backgrounds and cultures and it is up to us to allow them to live their life and not judge others.

I was recently asked the question "Are all cultures equally valid?" I would say that yes they are. Who am I to judge what they believe in and what they have built their foundation on? I would be upset if someone were to judge me based on what I believe, so I cannot turn around and judge them based on their culture. I think one of the important things to remember about the world we live in is that we are diverse and that is what makes this world a beautiful place to live in. I think that if we were all the same, we would become like robots and we could never increase our knowledge because everyone would know the same things. Being culturally diverse isn't a bad thing. It is what makes it unique, it provides people with learning experiences on a daily basis. 

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