Saturday, May 21, 2016

Understanding Same Sex Attraction

What is the difference between gender and sex?

Gender: refers to people as social creatures
Sex: refers to our biological make up

The question that has been up for question for the past years is should same-sex marriage be legalized? Gays and Lesbians have been fighting for years to be able to have the right to marry the same gender and spend their lives together. There are Pro's and Con's to each side. For one, it allows equal rights between both male and females and it makes it possible for them to express how they feel and feel accepted by sociecty. On the other hand though, it deprives children of being born into a home with both a mother and a father.

I am by no means homophobic in anyway, but I do believe that Children need to be raised with both a mother and a father because there are just certain things that only a father can provide and things that a mother can provide. For example, woman are naturally more nurturing. While men are better at problem solving. Mothers typically impact the way a child is raised into their adulthood whereas fathers are able to provide and give the feeling of protection. They give a feeling of securtiy for the family.

Altogther, families are all different, they are diverse, but that is what makes them unique!

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